Wednesday, December 21, 2011


How could we get 500 couples moved into the same neighborhood? 1. All of us devoted to the continuation of God in the home. 2. Upheld roles of manhood and womanhood as relates strong marriages, parenting, brotherhood, sisterhood and loyal friendships. How could we do this?

How can we leave a legacy a culture where the children of these communities not only felt safe, but were groomed to be strong enough to serve the needs of those outside of the community. Can this go beyond dreams?

Ceremonies that promoted the achievments of the members of this community. A place where our money worked for us; and greed, jealousy and vanity was overthrown by good sense, patience and self-discipline. How could 500 couples set aside the misteachings of this world and unearth/rekindle the true principles that make life...whole? That make living stable?

Could our children's children manage such teachings? Such weath? Such responsibility? Could this be? A place where people policed themselves? Imagine the possibilities...Community gardens and livestock, talent shows and etiquette balls for our children. Or, should we just let these current conditions cause us all to feel as if we have no control of our destiny?

Our own stores, movies, dry-cleaners, gyms, restaurants, pharmacies, clubs, parks, churches, schools, museums were loved and not disrespected by the members of the community? Annual parades, scholarships, Barbecues, Fairs? Whaaaat? How Mighty of a people these 500 couples would produce?

A community were women trusted one another; were adored by her man and children and mothers passed on similar to identical teachings to their sons and daughters. A special place where men were taught real manhood by many real men. Where men learned skills like welding, speaking, mathematics, how to pray and how to communicate with their children and their woman. WOW. A place were people believed in keeping this community safe so much that they would not molest a child, would not trade wives, but set aside lust and hatred to bring stability to this community.

Just think...500 couples willing to fight for safety, a piece of mind, CULTURE, and love. Is anyone out there? Someone strong enough to comment? God Bless YOu. All 1000 of you. --brother bartell

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


"Women you have to be able to recognize the red flags that we give off. Diligently we will seek you. Flowers prematurely, introductions to family members before you and I have experienced true conversation with each other.

You allow me to look deep into your eyes and move deep within your heart when I have not taken one loving step or secure glance toward you.
Woman! I am out of shape, BUT you keep enduring the race that I should be running, but I can never repay you because I am not focused. You will become angered as I find another runner, another talented, loving, and kind thoroughbred to run for me.

Woman! I need you! When I want money, you give it. When I want to feel good you give it. When I don’t want to be bothered a few days here and there you wait. When I want go back to her, you wait for that. So do not be offended now when I ask you to truly help me; to really help me…to help me by helping yourself.

Woman! Demand from me character and I will change from my lazy ways and give you security. Demand that I show ambition and I will refuse to drive in the passenger seat of your car for months and years on end. Woman! Discipline yourself and I will become inspired to be the leader that I was designed to be.

Woman! Take time and see what is happening to our families and know that when women unite, our families will suffer no more. Woman! Unite!" As women unite as you have done in the past I will wake up at last. I know many of you will feel as if I need to be talking to the men, so I say... just try to hear me and know that we have a good chance at change if we start from this point.

God Bless Your Journeys. Repost Please

P.S. If you are wondering how this picture applies to the booty boycott, imagine a continuation of family dysfunction. Imagine fathers who never realize how much positivity they can bring to a child. The community starves. When families are broken, mother bury their sons prematurely. There are too many "baby boys" who die before they do any real work at all.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Before We Go Too Far

I remember that one song by Janet Jackson "Let's Wait A While". It was a pretty awesome song. When It came out I may have been in the third grade,and I probably had no clue what she meant, but the tune was strong! I was reminded of this song as I listened to the radio today. It was the Doug Banks Show, and the topic was surroundng the various lengths that people would go to find out if someone they loved were cheating. One woman actually admitted to riding around with a .38 calibur gun hoping to catch her husband and his mistress in the act becasue she would actually have shot both of them.

She said this with such confidence--I mean, the pride and energy in her voice makes me feel sad for the situation that she was in. She had gone too far. I am further reminded that "The Booty Boycott" is so important right now because it gives people a way out. If that woman feels that she was brought to the point in her marriage to actually ride around with a loaded gun only to make statement, then I feel that she saw no other option to achieve peace.

Peace is all people want in this life. Some of them seek relationships in order to acheive a sense of security. I want people to have that peace as well and I want to offer them ideas that will give them genuine peace in the relationships.

Before you go too far, learn how to judge a potential mate. Does this person have genuine goals for their life. Is this person concerned about the welfare of others and have you seen first hand their actions that support this? Determine if you are compatitble by seeing what you have in common, and using that sixth sense (not the one that says we can make it through the hard times, but the one that says this is a good person for me or not)

Befor you go to far, learn yourself. What is your purpose, where is your self-esteem? Are you a good person? Are you someone is abusive and insecure? One way to stop this behavior is by finding joy in your own life. Learn how to spend time alone and understand that you are worthy of

Should Our First Time Be On the Floor? By brother bartell

Self control is what it is going to take for you to have a successful Booty Boycott. I was reading about the story of Ruth. In chapter 3, I found out that Ruth, who by this time had lost her husband, was encouraged to take on a new husband out of tradition.

The gentleman that Ruth was to be married to was Boaz. Boaz was a businessman who owned land and he also had servants. He was “next-of-kin” to Ruth and because of their tradition; the male “next-of-kin” had the choice to marry the wife of a deceased family member.

Now, Ruth needed to earn a living, so she began working on his land. Upon Ruth’s arrival at his workplace, Boaz made it a point to make sure that she was respected by the male workers and ensured that no harm came to her.
Ruth’s stepmother Naomi was impressed by his gestures and encouraged Ruth to visit him one night. On this night Boaz had had his fill of food and drink and went to bed. When Ruth found his bed, she followed her mother-in-law’s instructions and lay down at his feet. This gesture would signal to Boaz that Ruth was offering her body to him for intercourse.

What Boaz does next is why I know this “Booty Boycott” can work. When Boaz woke up to find Ruth in his bed, he would not have intercourse with her. He did not have intercourse with her because he wanted to go through the proper channels.

Today, this same idea is real. Men can show the same level of self-control that Boaz did. If a woman likes you so much to where she would give her body to you because she feels she owes it to you, you have choice.

Many women feel obligated in some cases to offer sex as a repayment to a man’s niceness—No more! There are women who feel pressure (pressure from themselves) that just because some time has gone by that sex is the next thing that should happen—No more, the next thing that should happen is more communication, laughter, and learning to feel truly secure around each other.

How do you know when it is the right time to have sex? Why not ask the question…When do you know that a person truly has your best interest in mind?

What would you do if a young lady you really liked had one too many drinks, and you know that she is not in her right mind and offers you the opportunity to kiss a little bit, but you know that sex would not normally go down. What do you do when you know that if you keep going she will give you little resistance (but resistance nonetheless)?

By the way…After Boaz told Ruth no, he told her to sleep there until morning; she did this, but got up early before people saw her leaving his home. Boaz did not want Ruth to appear as some loose immoral woman. I bet Ruth felt relieved to not have her first sexual experience with this man on the floor (the threshing floor actually). Today, men have the same power to make sure that our women (no matter how they talk, look, act, or dress) wake up feeling good about themselves.

My position is not so much where you have sex, but why. You could very well be compromising yourself in the bedroom. So, again, why and when you decide to have sex is most important. Some people feel that they are too busy for a real relationship and casual sex is their comfort zone. I do not frown upon that so much, because main concern is if you feel less than good when you are done. You know when it is not the best time when your self-esteem feels lowered...Think about it.

The Booty Boycott asks us to bring back this level of concern between men and women. As you commit to this Booty Boycott please remember that the aim is to override your impulses and remember that No Sex On The Weekends is non-negotiable.

When you take on this level of leadership in your life, other people will benefit, become inspired and make adjustments in their own lives. Go to work on Monday guilt-free!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Courtship, Articulating Slavery, Purpose for youth

In my experience I found that many youth are comfortable with talking about courtship. This has led me to want to use dating as a method to help them bridge the gaps between their often dysfunctional dating environment and their likely inability ability to conceptualize the gory details of institutional slavery. I take this approach in hopes that they will develop an emotional, mental, scholastic, and community-based consciousness regarding their roles as contributors to the progress of African people. I have observed that many of them know that something is wrong (i.e. inside, at home, throughout the black world). In a nutshell, I want to grab their attention via the topic of the problems that are associated with modern dating, and help them to see that these problems have roots that reach into generations of chattel slavery. As this stage is established I would strive to help them to see how slavery not only affects their dating behavior, but the other area of dysfunction within the African-American community. The anticipated result will be youth who now want to make the needed contributions to the African community because they know what is making them-us sick and what will make them-us healthy.
My young people are so powerful. I want you to know that in life, when you act dim then it causes other people to act dim. Young men, when you wrestle with young ladies on the bus stop, holding their necks with both hands in laughter, you are sending a message. Young ladies, when you stand at the bus stop with your back facing traffic in order to show that you have an attractive figure, you are also sending a message.
For six years I volunteered as mentor for a program at my church called the “Youth Sexualities Project” (YSP). The focus of this project was to inform youth that they had the right to seek instruction on sexuality from trusted adults in hopes that they would receive structured advice from them rather than from some of the effete advice that often comes with seeking life-skills information from peers or scorned adults. The research behind this program found that there is a connection between the choices that youth make regarding sex and the source of their influence. Many youth are found to have their primary source of sexual education to come from members of their peer groups including significant others and portrayals of sexuality in the media, rather than seeking education from the experience of parents, family members, or other trusted adult figures.
Trust is a key characteristic when we decide to guide youth especially in the area of sexuality. A trusted individual has the experience of addressing issues of sexuality and mature enough to facilitate the needs of youth from various backgrounds.
My mission was to insure that the youth made informed decisions regarding sexuality and sources that they sought to gain knowledge from. We conducted skits, wrote poems, and even conducted interviews. The number of people in each class was between 15-20 students. I had expected to only mentor for one year, but the opportunity returned and I found myself re-enlisting again and again. Each year I would have a combination of a new crop as well as inspired youth who wanted to return again after the previous year. Each of them had their own gifts and they all had their own unique pressures stemming from sexuality. I treated this program as a matter of life and death because based on my experience, mis-information about sex and an unhealthy outlook on sexuality can kill you physically and spiritually.
Year after year I witnessed young people explain their perspectives on marriage, love, intercourse, and dating. Once they found that none of their stories would leave the room, which basically meant that I could be trusted, I proceeded to listen for anything that sounded healthy as well as unhealthy. I would encourage them to face every issue that they brought to the table. The weekly dialogues allowed them to hear themselves speak. They were able to witness their own ability to share and value ideas within a group. The floodgates opened up, I was privileged to calm tears, inspire curiosity, encourage laughter, maintained an environment to release some pains, address fears, and raise voices. From a contemporary and church-culture perspective, YSP was innovative. Common Christian practices have caused conversation concerning sex and sexuality to be regarded as taboo. At YSP, young people had a place where they could be heard and not be judged.
There are a number of reasons that I have to why I took on mentorship at this capacity. I have always shown an interest in the dynamics of dating. It was initially at a personal level. As I matured I recognized pathologies in male and female interaction and theorized that there is a likely connection between unhealthy sexuality and a jaded sense of purpose I life. I also knew that peer pressure was powerful. I knew that one out of three sexually active individuals will have acquired a sexually transmitted disease by the age of 25. I knew that young people place a great deal of energy into their sexuality. I knew that irresponsible sexual activity led to a breakdown in parental involvement once a child was conceived and because of this reality, statistics revealed that seventy-two percent of adolescent murderers grew up without a father or consistent father figure. I wanted to serve my community. The hand that I have been dealt in life allows me to use my mistakes as teachable tools for survival and be useful in the lives of others.
My experience was further reinforced once I began employment with the Chicago Urban League. I now service estranged fathers ages 18-40 who need assistance with enhancing their lifestyles so that they may be useful in the lives of their children and families. These men are often very hard on themselves because they have made various mistakes in life. I observed that self esteem made the problems that they have communicating with the mother of their children increase from severe to life threatening. I eventually became frustrated because the help that I wanted to offer could not be passed on through a simple resume’ workshop.
I am now a father of two daughters, and I am grateful that I am aware of my role as a father to them. The experience that I have gained from being a mentor has influenced my views on parenthood. I know that my treatment of them and their observation of how I interact with them and their mother (my wife) will influence their expectations of the men they bring into their lives. I have always taken to the idea that I am their first boyfriend.
I want my daughters to embrace who they are as African people. Since they are African and female, my hope is that they will be prepared to embrace the stages of being a woman-daughter, sister, wife, mother, and grandmother. I further would expect that their frame of reference be based on their consciousness of their African heritage. My daughters are going to be confronted with sexual pressures. This pressure does not just come from the men that they encounter but their peers. I don’t have a problem with what I cannot control. I do have a problem if my children (birthed and surrogate) are not prepared. Finally, I know that my presence will have an impact on the decisions that they make with men.
These three experiences have allowed me to be open to the idea of exploring the history of courtship and sexuality in ancient African tradition in hopes to discover tools that will lead youth into healthier awareness of self, dating, and purpose, and parenting. I attribute much of my ability to navigate through life’s trials and triumphs to the choice I made to embrace my African ancestry. Part of my self-awareness is rooted in the values upheld by African people who have lived before me. Therefore, my frame of reference for settling conflict, strengthening relationships with members of my extended family, rules for monitoring my work ethic, and worshiping God is grounded in an African-centered point of view.
I mention African-centered thinking as the foundation for my inspiration because it supports my desire to explore traditional African ideals regarding courtship and sexuality. I hope to find out if scholars have provided research on providing African-American youth with instruction on the traditional practices that were implemented to ensure that interactions between male and female upheld socially acceptable conduct. I want to make a contribution by conducting research that will enhance the lifestyles of African people so that they may be more productive and prepared to do their part in the world.
I espouse to the belief that slavery is the cause of current situation. I know that this position turns off a large number of African-Americans as well as those outside of this ethnic background. However, if I am giving the opportunity to explain then the depth of this statement will be revealed. The reason that slavery is the cause of the situation that African-Americans are placed in is because so many are unable to articulate it. African-American children exhibit little to no value regarding life, thought, future, or self; because they are not able to conceive the magnitude of destruction that befell their ancestors and thus affecting them each and everyday.
I want to our youth to be concerned with ideas of what it means to be scholarly and how their choices impact their community we have to provide them with keen insight to their plight. For some, we will even have to introduce to them that they are in a problematic environment/mentality in the first place. Jewish people around the world are able to articulate their Holocaust and it allows for them to be prepared in the event that such a destructive force attempts to be erected again. The staggering percentages of African-Americans entering the penile system, self-hatred, low marriage, and lack of concern for education are the result of an inability to articulate the details of the institution of slavery.
My role in affecting change among African-American youth is to first narrow my focus on what I want to discover. I am seeking works that guides young men to learn the power behind using “words” to express their interest in a young lady. I am seeking works done by scholars that guide young women to understand the responsibility to display allure, poise, and standards of quality when seeking relationships with men. In my research and I am seeking to find works by individuals and/or organizations who aim to inform youth about healthy dating-relationships, bi also the affects of slavery that cause it to be unhealthy.
In this literature review I am seeking to analyze the work of long-time professionals whose discoveries about youth development relate to my topic of interest. It is by looking closely to their positions that I will have a clearer sense of the need for me conduct my own research. I seek material to support a need for African-American Youth to be able to articulate the process of slavery and gain a knowledge-base of the courting process to the extent that they are capable of identifying the destructive elements that are presented in their present environment in hopes that they will gain significant consciousness and contribute to their community’s uplift.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

A Historic Perspective

It has been nine years since Minister Louis Farrakhan hosted the largest demonstration ever in Washington, D.C., asking one million Black men to take charge of their own fate. Now, Minister Farrakhan has called for the Million Man March, part II, on the 10-year anniversary of the historic event.

The timing couldn’t be better. The condition of many Black men in America is still dire, and the re-election of President George Bush has left many Blacks realizing that we must depend on ourselves, not the government, to better our condition.

Since that first march on Oct. 16, 1995, there have been Million Woman, Youth and Family marches, in addition to many other offshoots tapping into the popular name, like the Million Mom March and the recent Million Worker March.

We came to Washington on that fateful day, not to petition government for a civil rights bill or a handout, but to take responsibility for ourselves. The spirit of that day was like nothing I had ever experienced, or have experienced since. I marched down to the National Mall from my college campus with 5,000 other students. When I reached the stage area on the steps of the Capitol and looked out into a sea of Black men, many who stood for at least 10 hours, I held back tears. I knew this day would forever cause a change, if not in the world, certainly in me.

At the conclusion of the march, the throngs of men repeated a pledge given by Minister Farrakhan, to be responsible and active in improving ourselves and our community. After the march, I wrote an article explaining my commitment to take the pledge seriously. Since the march, I got married and have remained so. I have two daughters, and I direct a nonprofit that serves youth coming out of the juvenile justice system, nearly all of them young Black men.

Many of my friends were similarly moved by the Million Man March to come back home and make a change. One, a former pilot for United Airlines, came home and decided to start his own internet company—he currently runs one of the largest Black-owned internet service providers in the country. Another friend, a former classmate at Howard University, also decided to start his own firm, so he could spend more time with his family. He was an engineer for a Washington, D.C., energy company. Now, his own computer consulting business is thriving, along with his family.

Many others across the country took the pledge given that day seriously. The men were asked to register to vote, join an organization, adopt a Black child. After the march, a reported 1.7 million Black males were added to the voter registration rolls. Organizational memberships skyrocketed—the NAACP, churches and mosques reported huge increases after the march. The adoption of Black children increased significantly.

Others criticized the march: There wasn’t a specific demand on government; there wasn’t enough follow-up; Minister Farrakhan shouldn’t have traveled abroad afterward. But the purpose wasn’t political. The purpose was for Black men to take responsibility for their own actions and to help develop their own communities, and to atone for our lack of responsibility.

Forty-two percent of all Black boys have failed at least one grade, according to the Twenty-First Century Foundation, a Black philanthropic organization in New York that has launched an initiative to serve Black boys. The foundation also found that “in 2002, one in four African American males were idle (unemployed) all year long.”

In California, it is seven times more likely for a Black man to be in a state penitentiary than in a state university. The 2000 census revealed that one in 17 Black men in California was incarcerated, compared with one out of 114 White men.

Add that to a myriad of social issues, including alarmingly disproportionate AIDS rates and prostate cancer in Blacks.

In an op-ed on the quality of life for Black people, New York Times columnist Bob Herbert recently concluded that “it’s just wrong to allow many (Black) Americans to remain in a state of social and economic degradation without attempting to alter the conditions responsible for their suffering.”

This is why I will be back in Washington for the Million Man March II on Oct. 16, 2005. The time is right, the need is great and the opportunity is ripe for change.

Friday, July 08, 2005

First Nations

written by the brother bartell -- world wide exposure campaign

Did you know that the Indians of Canada are called “First Nations”? That is the politically correct term for the original people of Canada which is equal to the term “Native American” as we refer to the original (aboriginal) people of the United States.

Here is some more food for you. Canada passed the “Indian Act” of 1857. The British Parliament (Colonizers) were interested in the “Gradual Civilization of Canada” which entailed the relinquishing of all Indian land, language, and culture in exchange for British Citizenship. This law said that if an Indian man learned to read and signed pledge to “live as a white”; he was allowed to vote, own property, and serve on a jury.

In order to further control these First Nations, The British commissioned an “Indian-Agent” among each reserve. This de-facto ruler had no true legal or official clout within the government law books, but was aided by the British to keep “Indians” in line.

Under the “Indian Act” Indians had to have written permission leave their reservations. Britain in the 1950’s sought ways to impose apartheid. This systematic form of control was so attractive to them that “pass laws” were based on Canada’s’ “Indian Act”.

First Nations

written by the brother bartell -- world wide exposure campaign

Did you know that the Indians of Canada are called “First Nations”? That is the politically correct term for the original people of Canada which is equal to the term “Native American” as we refer to the original (aboriginal) people of the United States.

Here is some more food for you. Canada passed the “Indian Act” of 1857. The British Parliament (Colonizers) were interested in the “Gradual Civilization of Canada” which entailed the relinquishing of all Indian land, language, and culture in exchange for British Citizenship. This law said that if an Indian man learned to read and signed pledge to “live as a white”; he was allowed to vote, own property, and serve on a jury.

In order to further control these First Nations, The British commissioned an “Indian-Agent” among each reserve. This de-facto ruler had no true legal or official clout within the government law books, but was aided by the British to keep “Indians” in line.

Under the “Indian Act” Indians had to have written permission leave their reservations. Britain in the 1950’s sought ways to impose apartheid. This systematic form of control was so attractive to them that “pass laws” were based on Canada’s’ “Indian Act”.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Ocean's 12 on my list of B..S.. "budget" FILMS

Let me tell you what a bullcrap strategy to make freakin' money Ocean's 12 is. I saw this big freakin' budget. All I grab is the follwing:

Multi-million dollar budget
Gives spin-off to what was a cool film
A joke of a sequel aimed to raise hard earned money out of people's pockets
And nobody seems to freakin' catch on to it.

I AM TELLING YOU OCEAN'S TWELVE WAS A FREAKIN' HOAX! Who and the hell ballets through a security system by himself, a forty-year-old at that! Steals a relic that is worth over 190 million dollars and makes it believable. No one! This is what I got from Oceans twelve.

These guys needed to stick to Casinos and get money hungry. It was no thing for them to write out Don Chedele and Burnie Mac this time around. Burnie stayed in jail the whole half of the film and didn't get out until the caper was over.

Okay Let me beging to make some sense. You got to this movie right. YOu come feeling in your head this is going to be great because Oceans 11 was written so well. Well the Movie runs it's time and I all I can say is that yeah they tilted a house, but where did they get the resources from, they cracked this really tough code...fine, whatever!

But what pair of security gaurds who know that they have to take multi-million dollar merchandise on a train and have a kid as the front man, acutally fall for thee old switch-a-roo when it comes to letting two American guys in $8,000 suits and baseball caps squabble all over their coffee table conviently enough to let the merchandise get taken from them.

Hell I i'll be back. Oh and the bit about Julia Roberts and her act with Bruce Willis, what was that for; anothr joke. Katherine Zeta-Jones and her pursuit for her long lost dad who she was searcing for for the longest while mentioning his name ten times over in the movie as if he was some other guy.

I say this movie has cool scenes, but the storyline was horribly-lazily scripted. I hate when the movie industry pulls punches like this. "Well we know that with the names that we bring to the table we will get the crowds money," who cares if they are not happy, we aren't going to make a part three. Better yet let's make an even crappier ending than stupid movien Mel Gibson played in where he was supposed to be bad guy.