Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Mindful if want to make it happen

Good evening heros!!!! I am happy to be able to at least reach out to you, a blessing added on to that would be if you reached back. I just want to say look at us. We are in our third month of 2005. I know that there are a number of us who a keeping it steady. Acutally let us together define keeping it steady:

1. Steady as you are keeping focused
2. When you are under a spiritual attack,
yet you refuse to give in to the enemy
3. Those of you who keep steady give your-
time to breath and asses a hectic situ-
ation and then relize that you were in
more control than you thought.
4. A person who has kept it steady since
January 1, is someone who was mindful in
their worship enough to praise God for
putting them in a situation that would
only strengthen my armor.

YEAH THAT'S STEADY MY HUMANS. We should take the stress off of ourselves and begin to know that we have an obligation to WORK TOWARD ETERNITY. Does it hurt hear my friends? Do you feel uneasy sometimes my male and female soldiers? You feel alien because you are not at home, this is a temporary situation here. You use this opportunity to prais the Lord because he put you in the "GAME" that is what you do here.

AAA IT MUST BE TRUE. It has been given to me to blog staight to. And I don't get off giving wrong information to you.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Taking the Edge off Going Haywire: Snacking

Good evening to all those curious souls who seek to take in advice from a godly standpoint. I want to keep it simple in this three-part-series on "Taking the edge off Going Haywire."

We know that self-discipline is one of our major struggles, especially as believers in our twenties who are coming into our own in purpose, worship, and action. I ask the Lord what it is I can do to basically give sound advice within the 17 minutes that I have before I have to head home.

In my head I am going "Discipline, umm stength, routine, patience" Believe it or not, you know what I have come up with? SNACKING. Well think about it. Food is a wonderful invention. We want all of the time, and no matter what we will always need some form of it.

To my men and women who are congruent with me in the fact that eating is at the top of my list just under my obedience to the Lord I will begin.

Whether you are a student, a professional, or just waiting for "it" happen (keep praying) it is important that you watch your health. Many of us associate health with watching our weight.

The next time we decide to snack on some Oreos, or Snickers, or Ruffles, or ice-cream and burgers, Let's think first. WE KNOW THAT WE STILL HAVE DINNER TO COME, OR LUNCH, SO LET'S NOT WASTE OUR APPETITE. But I am so hungry, you say?

TRY Cheezits or mini muffins, try baby carrots and pretzels. This method will keep you not only from over eating, but eating all of your snacks up in one setting long before you day is done.

IT IS ALL ABOUT DISCIPLINE In II Peter 2:1-10 the word of God tells us about discipline. We need to go through the process of maintaining self-discipline so that we may have a productive relationship with the Lord.

YOU SHOULD NOT TRY THIS ALONE As I have mentioned before for you need someone else who believes in what you are doing so much that they are willing to participate so that you can hold each other accountable. ECCLESIASTES 4:9-12 Gives us instruction on how not to do things alone and how bad is for a person to stuble with no one else around them to help. Your friend is out there for you, your partner in prayer and worship and deed.

GOODNIGHT Thank you for listening.

AAA IT MUST BE TRUE GOD gave it to me, it works and I am giving it to you. Take your time to see your prayers through.